Monkey Caging Party

We rebuild the gym into an actual monkey caging jungle, where our monkeys can try to set
themselves up. Our teacher will coach the monkeys with all sorts of enticing games which will work
up to the big monkey caving game of tag. Monkey caging, that’s lots of running, jumping, climbing,
sliding, hiding and bolting without touching the floor!

Additional Information:

Expenses:€234,- (VAT included, additional arrangements excluded)
Extension:If an additional arrangement is used, we apply a minimum purchase of 10
Number of persons:Minimum 10, maximum of 24 kidz
Who:Minimum age of 5 years old
When:Each day, but dependent on availability of the location
Locations:Sports center Universum (East-Amsterdam), Sports center Amstelcampus (Amsterdam Centre/East), Sint-Nicolaaslyceum (South-Amsterdam), Sports center Het Marnix (Amsterdam Centre/West).

The monkey caging party costs include:

  • Construction and deconstruction of the monkey caging jungle within the gym
  • Renting of the gym
  • Costs of used materials
  • Staging and coaching by an experienced teacher
  • Use of changerooms

Optional additional arrangements:

It is possible to expand this party on location with a booked table at the food serving bar. You can make use this table 30 minutes prior and 30 minutes following the party. A perfect moment for the birthday boy or girl to receive his or her gifts! You can choose between an addition with or without food and drinks.


Additional arrangement 1: €3,50 per child, with a minimum purchase of 10

Unlimited access to lemonade and disposable cups. If you want, you can bring your own birthday cake, proviso you bring your own plates and cutlery as well.


Additional arrangement 2: €6,- per child, with a minimum purchase of 10

Unlimited access to lemonade, disposable cups and the possibility to bring and enjoy your own birthday cake + eat moment after the sports activity. Afterwards you can choose between french fries, hotdogs, or toasted ham and cheese sandwiches. Unfortunately, combining these foods is not possible.



PLEASE NOTE: it isn’t possible to use the services of the food bar without one of the above mentioned additional arrangements. Furthermore, bringing your own foodstuffs is not allowed, with the exception of bringing your own birthday cake.

Model program monkey caging party:

The below mentioned time schedule is randomly chosen. Time-locks depend on your own preferences and the availability of the desired location.


2pm – 2.30pmAdditional arrangement 1 or 2 (optional)
2.30pm – 4pmMonkey caging in the gym
4pm – 4.30pmAdditional arrangement 1 or 2 (optional)

If you have any questions or if you want to book a party, please fill out the form below.

Do you want to book a party?

Fill in your preferences below without any obligation and we will get back to you as soon as possible with a suitable proposal. Do you have a general question? Fill in the contact form at the bottom of the page.

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