Outdoorpool and Watersport rental
Outdoor & Watersports Jeugdland is located next to the beautiful Nieuwe Diep. We are open during the entire water sports season (From May holidas till the end of september) with the Outdoorpool and we rent out our water sports equipment for independent use. Everyone is welcome to experience the fun of water sports at Jeugdland in Amsterdam-East with the safety of our instructors. The opening of the natural swimming pool and the rental options are dependent on the weather conditions at all times. It is therefore possible that we decide last minute to close the natural swimming pool or to discontinue the availability for rental if we deem the conditions unsafe. It is therefore recommended to check our agenda on the website before you leave to Jeugdland. The Outdoorpool All kidz from Amsterdam are welcome during the water sports season for a refreshing dip and endless water fun in the Outdoorpool. The Outdoorpool is a basin on the waterfront of Jeugdland. All kidz between 6 & 12 years old, with minimum swimming diploma A, can endlessly enjoy swimming in natural water. In addition to the presence of our trained lifeguards, water shoes are provided and a lot of challenging water sports equipment to play with. In the meantime, parents can enjoy the sun with a cup of coffee at the picnic tables on the side. We are CLOSED at the moment, untill 31th of May, while highseason is over On May 31th, we will open the Outdoor Pool for the first time this season. Will you be the first to make a splash in our open water pool? Subsequently, on Thursday 26 May and Friday 27 May, the Mega XXL edition of the Natural Swimming Pool will take place for the first time with extra long opening hours and many more surprising water fun activities! Practical information: Who%3A,Kidz%20in%20the%20age%20of%206%20till%2012%20years%20old|When%3A,In%20the%20periode%20between%20May%2031th%20%26%20begin%20October%202025|Requirements%3A,Swimming%20certificate%20A%20or%20a%20foreign%20equivalent|Costs*%3A,%E2%82%AC3%2C00%20per%20child *Stadspas discount is possible Openingtimes: Wednesday%20afternoon%3A,4pm%20-%205.30pm%20till%20end%20of%20september|Friday%20afternoon%3A,4pm%20-%205.30pm%20till%20end%20of%20september|Saturday%3A,4pm%20-%205.30pm%20till%20end%20of%20september|Sunday%3A,4pm%20-%205.30pm%20till%20end%20of%20september PAY ATTENTION: It is recommended that you come to Jeugdland in a change of clothes or else you can do this outside. Parents are welcome on the site of Jeugdland, but we kindly ask you to take into account the 1,5 m measure and swimming is not allowed. Rental water sports equipment During the entire period between the May holidays and the half-term autumn holidays, it is possible to come by every day for the rental of water sports equipment. On weekdays you can come by without obligation between 10am and 5pm for the rental. We recommend you to call 020-3346808 prior to your visit. It is possible that our water sports equipment is used for other activities and rental is not possible. On Saturdays and Sundays you can drop by during the opening of the natural swimming pool between 2pm and 5.30pm for the rental. Rental prices 2022: Kayak%3A,%E2%82%AC5%2C50%20per%20hour,,|Canadian%20Canoe%3A,%E2%82%AC10%2C50%20per%20hour,,|SUP%3A,%E2%82%AC10%2C50%20per%20hour,,|Optimist%20sailing%20boat**%3A,%E2%82%AC30%2C00%20per%20daypart%20%2B%20%E2%82%AC50%2C-%20deposit,or,%E2%82%AC55%2C00%20per%20day%20%2B%20%E2%82%AC50%2C-%20deposit|,,Please%20note%3A,Only%20possible%20if%20requested%2048%20hours%20beforehand|Valk%20sailing%20boat**%3A,%E2%82%AC50%2C00%20per%20daypart%20%2B%20%E2%82%AC100%2C-%20deposit,or,%E2%82%AC85%2C00%20per%20day%20%2B%20%E2%82%AC100%2C-%20deposit|,,Please%20note%3A,Only%20possible%20if%20requested%2048%20hours%20beforehand *Stadspas discount is possible **A daypart is a rental period of 4 hours (9am - 1pm or 1pm - 5pm). Rental conditions Use of materials is at own risk. In case of lose or damage, the costs will be covered by the tenant. A security deposit must be provided with each rental. Entering the watersportsarea and the water is at own risk of the parent/guardian. The watersportscentre is never responsible for the both the parent/guardian as the children who enters the area. Children who enter the are requires at least swimming certificate A and for kidz under age of 12 years it is obliged to wear a life jacket by entering the water! A minimum of 10 euros will be chargers by sailing out the motorboat in case of emergency. ...
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