Outdoor & Aquatics Jeugdland

Outdoorpool and Watersport rental

Outdoor & Watersports Jeugdland is located next to the beautiful Nieuwe Diep. We are open during the entire water sports season (From May holidas till the end of september) with the Outdoorpool and we rent out our water sports equipment for independent use. Everyone is welcome to experience the fun of water sports at Jeugdland in Amsterdam-East with the safety of our instructors.   The opening of the natural swimming pool and the rental options are dependent on the weather conditions at all times. It is therefore possible that we decide last minute to close the natural swimming pool or to discontinue the availability for rental if we deem the conditions unsafe. It is therefore recommended to check our agenda on the website before you leave to Jeugdland. The Outdoorpool All kidz from Amsterdam are welcome during the water sports season for a refreshing dip and endless water fun in the Outdoorpool. The Outdoorpool is a basin on the waterfront of Jeugdland. All kidz between 6 & 12 years old, with minimum swimming diploma A, can endlessly enjoy swimming in natural water. In addition to the presence of our trained lifeguards, water shoes are provided and a lot of challenging water sports equipment to play with. In the meantime, parents can enjoy the sun with a cup of coffee at the picnic tables on the side. We are CLOSED at the moment, untill 31th of May, while highseason is over On May 31th, we will open the Outdoor Pool for the first time this season. Will you be the first to make a splash in our open water pool? Subsequently, on Thursday 26 May and Friday 27 May, the Mega XXL edition of the Natural Swimming Pool will take place for the first time with extra long opening hours and many more surprising water fun activities! Practical information: Who%3A,Kidz%20in%20the%20age%20of%206%20till%2012%20years%20old|When%3A,In%20the%20periode%20between%20May%2031th%20%26%20begin%20October%202025|Requirements%3A,Swimming%20certificate%20A%20or%20a%20foreign%20equivalent|Costs*%3A,%E2%82%AC3%2C00%20per%20child *Stadspas discount is possible Openingtimes: Wednesday%20afternoon%3A,4pm%20-%205.30pm%20till%20end%20of%20september|Friday%20afternoon%3A,4pm%20-%205.30pm%20till%20end%20of%20september|Saturday%3A,4pm%20-%205.30pm%20till%20end%20of%20september|Sunday%3A,4pm%20-%205.30pm%20till%20end%20of%20september PAY ATTENTION: It is recommended that you come to Jeugdland in a change of clothes or else you can do this outside. Parents are welcome on the site of Jeugdland, but we kindly ask you to take into account the 1,5 m measure and swimming is not allowed. Rental water sports equipment During the entire period between the May holidays and the half-term autumn holidays, it is possible to come by every day for the rental of water sports equipment. On weekdays you can come by without obligation between 10am and 5pm for the rental. We recommend you to call 020-3346808 prior to your visit. It is possible that our water sports equipment is used for other activities and rental is not possible. On Saturdays and Sundays you can drop by during the opening of the natural swimming pool between 2pm and 5.30pm for the rental. Rental prices 2022: Kayak%3A,%E2%82%AC5%2C50%20per%20hour,,|Canadian%20Canoe%3A,%E2%82%AC10%2C50%20per%20hour,,|SUP%3A,%E2%82%AC10%2C50%20per%20hour,,|Optimist%20sailing%20boat**%3A,%E2%82%AC30%2C00%20per%20daypart%20%2B%20%E2%82%AC50%2C-%20deposit,or,%E2%82%AC55%2C00%20per%20day%20%2B%20%E2%82%AC50%2C-%20deposit|,,Please%20note%3A,Only%20possible%20if%20requested%2048%20hours%20beforehand|Valk%20sailing%20boat**%3A,%E2%82%AC50%2C00%20per%20daypart%20%2B%20%E2%82%AC100%2C-%20deposit,or,%E2%82%AC85%2C00%20per%20day%20%2B%20%E2%82%AC100%2C-%20deposit|,,Please%20note%3A,Only%20possible%20if%20requested%2048%20hours%20beforehand *Stadspas discount is possible **A daypart is a rental period of 4 hours (9am - 1pm or 1pm - 5pm). Rental conditions Use of materials is at own risk.  In case of lose or damage, the costs will be covered by the tenant.  A security deposit must be provided with each rental. Entering the watersportsarea and the water is at own risk of the parent/guardian.  The watersportscentre is never responsible for the both the parent/guardian as the children who enters the area. Children who enter the are requires at least swimming certificate A and for kidz under age of 12 years it is obliged to wear a life jacket by entering the water! A minimum of 10 euros will be chargers by sailing out the motorboat in case of emergency. ...

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Sports days and sports camps

Calling up all fishes! When you’re aged 6 until 12, our summertime Outdoor & Aquatics days and/or camps are made for you! These days and/or camps will take place during the May holiday and during the Summer holiday. Besides, we’ll organize a few special themed weekends, all about outdoor & aquatic sports. Read all about our various sports days here.   If you have any questions please fill out the form below. ...

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Children’s parties

Sport4kidz organizes various fun and active outdoor & watersports parties on the grounds of Jeugdland in eastern Amsterdam. With all parties at Jeugdland you take a mandatory lemonade table for 3 hours. This lemonade table will always include a festive picnic table, unlimited lemonade and the possibility to play at the playground, water playground and hutvillage.   Together with the parties at Jeugdland it is possible to book an outdoor or watersport workshop of 90 minutes. For watersport workshops we offer: Kayak-, Sailing-, Sup-, Rafting- or Waterfun-party and for outdoor workshops we offer: a GPS-, archery- or skate-party. If you have any questions please fill out the form below.     Click here to go back to our other sport children's parties ...

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Sportlab is a sports program for all kidz who a love sports and play! This program filled with outdoor sports and game activities will be guided by a trained instructor and is free to join. We do organize Sportlab in two different timeframes at Outdoor & Aquatics on Sundaymorning. Kidz from 4 years and older are welcome to join and discover the fun of sports and physical activity. This program is specifically for the younger kidz, but very fun for the older ones too! You can join freely without any subscription, so make sure to be on time!   Activity: Sportlab When: During the period between the spring and autumn Times: During planned Sundag between 12pm – 2pm Requirements: Kidz between 4 till 10 years old Costs: Free program Sportlab planning: -,Start%20spring%20season%3A,Sunday%20March%2020th%202022|-,Start%20May%20holiday,Sunday%20April%2024th%202022|-,End%20May%20holiday%3A,Sunday%20May%2015th%202022|-,Start%20Summer%20season,Sunday%20June%2019th%202022|-,Start%20Summer%20holiday%3A,Sunday%20July%2017th%202022|-,End%20Summer%20holiday%3A,Sunday%20August%2028th%202022|-,Start%20Autumn%20season%3A,Sunday%20September%2025th%202022|-,End%20Half-term%20Autumn%20holiday%3A,Sunday%20October%2023th%202022 We communicate our last-minute information about the activities via Instagram. Follow and like our Instagrampage. ...

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Expedition Club

The Expedition Club is a sports program for all kidz who are crazy about adventure, survival and nature! Starting May till the end of October (excluding the summerholiday) we provide a new program with weekly adventures. The activities will teach you how to survive in nature just like in Expedition Robinson. This Program of outdoor and adventure activities is supervised by a real outdoor expert. Learn how to build a fire in the construction test, how to read a compass in the oriëntationtest and learn how to deal with obstacles in the coördinationtest. All kidz from 8 years old with swimming diploma A can be registered for the serie of lessons. We will go on a weekly expedition with kidz, everyone at their own level, and will master four different outdoor skills!   Activity: Expedition Club When: In the period between the May Holiday and the autumn half-term holdiay. Requirements: Children aged 8 an over; swimming certificate A (or foreign equivalent; wearing a safety vest is obligatory during water activities) Costs: €80,00 euros for a complete serie of lessons during the springtime or during the autumnperiod Autumn period Start%3A,Th.%20September%205th%202024|End%3A,Th.%20October%2024th%202024|Time%3A,4pm%20-%205.30pm|Amount%3A,8%20lessons|Costs%3A,%E2%82%AC80%2C00 Springtime Start%3A,Th.%20May%2016th%202024|End%3A,Th.%20July%204th%202024|Time%3A,4pm%20-%205.30pm|Amount%3A,8%20lessons|Costs%3A,%E2%82%AC80%2C00 We communicate our last-minute information about the activities via Instagram. Follow and like our Instagrampage. ...

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Sailing club

Every Tuesday afternoon from 4.00 pm till 5.30 pm and Sunday morning from 9.30 am till 11.00 am & 11.00am till 0:30 pm, we organize our Sailing Club at Outdoor & Aquatics Jeugdland in the period between May and October (except during the Summer Holiday)! Everyone sails at his own level. We practice new sailing skills each week to learn all kidz sail in an optimist boat in 8 lessons (depending on series) of 90 minutes.  All kidz between 8 and 12 with swimming certificate A are welcome to join this course. During sailing club we try to challenge everyone at their own level by our ground principle: Learn By Play!  This year, it's possible to enroll for two courses: the 'Dekkers' course (introductory course) and the 'Skippers' course (advanced course).  Everyone can enroll in the 'Dekkers' course. When you enroll in the 'Skippers' course, we expect the following skills and knowledge: Being able to sail an optimist on all courses, both at the roar and at the sail. Being able to tack and to gybe safely in an optimist. Being able to rig and de-rig an optimist.   Activity: Sailing Dates: In the period between the May and the summer holidays. Requirements: Children aged 8 and over; swimming certificate A (or foreign equivalent; wearing a safety vest is obligatory) Costs: €100,00 euros for a complete serie of lessons (either before or after the summer holiday) Tuesday 'Dekkers' Spring Start%3A,Tu.%20May%2014th%202024|End%3A,Tu.%20July%202th%202024|Time%3A,4pm%20-%205.30pm|Amount%3A,8%20lessons|Costs%3A,%E2%82%AC120%2C00 Tuesday 'Dekkers' fall Start%3A,Tu.%20September%203th%202024|End%3A,Tu.%20October%2022th%202024|Time%3A,4%20pm%20-%205%3A30%20pm|Amount%3A,8%20lessons|Costs%3A,%E2%82%AC120%2C00 Sunday 'Dekkers' Spring Start%3A,So.%20MAY%2019th%202024|End%3A,So.%20July%207th%202024|Time%3A,9%3A30%20am%20-%2011%20am|Amount%3A,8%20lessons|Costs%3A,%E2%82%AC120%2C00 Sunday 'Dekkers' Fall Start%3A,Su.%20September%208th%202024|End%3A,Su.%20October%2027th%202024|Time%3A,9%3A30%20am%20-%2011%20am|Amount%3A,8%20lessons|Costs%3A,%E2%82%AC120%2C00 Sunday 'Skippers' Spring Start%3A,Tu.%20May%2019th%202024|End%3A,Tu.%20July%207th%202024|Time%3A,11%20am%20-%200%3A30%20pm|Amount%3A,8%20lessons|Costs%3A,%E2%82%AC120%2C00 Sunday 'Skippers' Fall Start%3A,Su.%20September%208th%202024|End%3A,Su.%20October%2027th%202024|Time%3A,11am%20-%200.30pm|Amount%3A,8%20lessons|Costs%3A,%E2%82%AC120%2C00 We communicate our last-minute information about the activities via Instagram. Start to follow and like our Instagrampage. ...

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Aquatic fun Party

Dibbing, bobbing, jumping! Enjoy our aquatic fun party to the fullest at Outdoor & Aquatics Jeugdland in East-Amsterdam. During 75 minutes of fun kids can let themselves go in a safe and separated pool, jam-packed with playthings like floating steppingstones, SUP boards with different kinds of peddles, balls galore, water baskets and a Tarzanlike liana to swing yourself into the water! Before and after the aquatic fun party, soft drinks are being served at Jeugdland. The children can also amuse themselves in the playground, the aquatic play area and the cabin village.The total duration of this party is 180 minutes. Additional Information: Costs,%E2%82%AC16%2C00%20per%20child%20(with%20a%20minimum%20of%2010%20children)%20%2B%20%E2%82%AC4%2C50%20per%20child%20(the%20consumption%20of%20the%20available%20orangeade%20is%20obligatory)|Number%20of%20participants,A%20maximum%20of%2016%20children|Who,Children%20aged%206%20and%20over%20with%20at%20least%20swimming%20certificate%20A%20or%20a%20foreign%20equivalent|When,Wednesday%2C%20Friday%2C%20Saturday%20and%20Sunday|Where,Outdoor%20%26%20Aquatics%20Jeugdland The aquatic fun party costs include: Organization Construction and deconstruction 75 minutes of aquatic fun, supervised by a professional instructor A festively decorated table with plenty of lemonade Free play in the playground, the aquatic play area and  the cabin village. Optional additional arrangements: Obligated lemonadetable During your children’s party at Jeugdland, the use of a festively decorated picnic table with unlimited consumption of lemonade is obligatory, for which an extra €4,50 per child will be charged. Included are free play at the playground, the aquatic play area and the cabin village.    Optional cateringApple%20pie,%E2%82%AC%2027%2C50|Chocolate%20cake,%E2%82%AC%2020%2C00|Cupcake%20%2B%20poffertjes%20or%20grilled%20cheese%20sandwich,%E2%82%AC%205%2C00|Cupcake,%E2%82%AC%201%2C75|Poffertjes,%E2%82%AC%204%2C50|Grilled%20cheese%20sandwich,%E2%82%AC%203%2C50|Quiche,%E2%82%AC%205%2C00|Soup,%E2%82%AC%205%2C00 Model program aquatic fun party: The children’s parties at Jeugdland are available within four time-locks: In the morning (10.00am – 1.00pm) In the afternoon, 1st round (11.00 – 2.00pm) In the afternoon, 2nd round (1.30pm – 4.30pm) In the afternoon, 3rd round (2.30pm - 5.30pm) Pay attention: The last time slot isn't available during the winter period.   The below mentioned time schedule is randomly chosen. Time-locks depend on your own preferences and the availability of the desired location.10%3A00u-10%3A30u,Lemonade%20table|10%3A30u-11%3A45u,Aquatic%20fun|11%3A45u-13%3A00u,Lemonade%20table%20%2B%20Free%20play%20in%20the%20playground|,|, DO YOU WANT TO BOOK A PARTY? All children's parties organized at Jeugdland can be book via Stichting Jeugdland Amsterdam. You can fill in the bookings system for a Jeugdland party. We will contact you to determine the final date and time of your party and provide you with all the necessary information after we have received your request. Please fill out the form below if you have any questions left. Click here to go back to our other sport children's parties ...

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Build your own raft Party

Build your own raft with just some ropes, barrels and timber and float it on the water of Nieuwe Diep at Outdoor & Aquatics Jeugdland! Can you do it? What is the best way to build a raft, and how do you cooperate with other children, which is essential to manage the job? We build our rafts, and race and play with them during 75 minutes. Before and after the rafting party, orangeaid will be served at Jeugdland. The children can also amuse themselves in the playground, the aquatic play area and  the cabin village. The total duration of this party is 180 minutes. Additional Information: Costs,%E2%82%AC16%2C00%20per%20child%20(with%20a%20minimum%20of%2010%20children)%20%2B%20%E2%82%AC4%2C50%20per%20child%20(the%20consumption%20of%20the%20available%20orangeade%20is%20obligatory)|Number%20of%20participants,A%20maximum%20of%2016%20children|Who,Minimal%20children's%20age%208%20with%20at%20least%20swimming%20certificate%20A%20or%20a%20foreign%20equivalent|When,Wednesday%2C%20Friday%2C%20Saturday%20and%20Sunday|Where,Outdoor%20%26%20Aquatics%20Jeugdland The built your own raft party costs include: Organization Construction and deconstruction 75 minutes of , supervised by a professional instructor A festively decorated table with plenty of lemonade Free play in the playground, the aquatic play area and  the cabin village. Optional additional arrangements: Obligated lemonadetable During your children’s party at Jeugdland, the use of a festively decorated picnic table with unlimited consumption of lemonade is obligatory, for which an extra €4,50 per child will be charged. Included are free play at the playground, the aquatic play area and the cabin village.    Optional catering Apple%20pie,%E2%82%AC%2027%2C50|Chocolate%20cake,%E2%82%AC%2020%2C00|Cupcake%20%2B%20poffertjes%20or%20grilled%20cheese%20sandwich,%E2%82%AC%205%2C00|Cupcake,%E2%82%AC%201%2C75|Poffertjes,%E2%82%AC%204%2C50|Grilled%20cheese%20sandwich,%E2%82%AC%203%2C50|Quiche,%E2%82%AC%205%2C00|Soup,%E2%82%AC%205%2C00 Model program built your own raft party: The children’s parties at Jeugdland are available within four time-locks: In the morning (10.00am – 1.00pm) In the afternoon, 1st round (11.00 – 2.00pm) In the afternoon, 2nd round (1.30pm – 4.30pm) In the afternoon, 3rd round (2.30pm - 5.30pm) Pay attention: The last time slot isn't available during the winter period.   The below mentioned time schedule is randomly chosen. Time-locks depend on your own preferences and the availability of the desired location.10%3A00u-10%3A30u,Lemonade%20table|10%3A30u-11%3A45u,Built%20your%20own%20raft%20party|11%3A45u-13%3A00u,Lemonade%20table%20%2B%20Free%20play%20in%20the%20playground|,|, DO YOU WANT TO BOOK A PARTY? All children’s parties organized at Jeugdland can be book via Stichting Jeugdland Amsterdam. You can fill in the bookings system for a Jeugdland party. We will contact you to determine the final date and time of your party and provide you with all the necessary information after we have received your request. PLEASE FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS LEFT. Click here to go back to our other sport children's parties ...

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Programming for schools, after-schools care (BSO) and (sports) clubs

By now we have been organizing some highly successful activities for primary and secondary schools, after-school care (BSO)and (sports) clubs. We can offer your a 90 minutes program for a small group of children or a completely organized outdoor & aquatic sports day for several forms of schoolchildren. Outdoor & Aquatics Jeugdland, East- Amsterdam: your perfect location to do something different!     If you have any questions please fill out the form below. ...

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